

Our Philosophy

Building Blocks Montessori and Preschool offers a unique twist in learning by integrating Early Childhood Teachings with Montessori equipment. The Montessori philosophy seeks as it’s goal, an independant, self-directed child. By pursuing his/her individual interests in the Early Childhood/Montessori classroom, he/she gains an early enthusiasm for learning which is the key to becoming a truly educated person. Our program integrates specially designed Montessori materials with other developmentally appropriate activities.

We offer an enriched enviornment from where he/she can literally absorb information. We ensure to provide your child with a total curriculum. Our program provides the child with progressive learning in all areas of Practical Life, Language, Mathematics, Sensory development and Culture. Also, Science, The Arts, Health and Physical activity. We offer individualized teachings focusing on Phonics, Pre-reading, Reading, French, Music and Computers.

We believe that years 0-5, are the most important intellectual years in a child’s life; absorbing more than university years.

We believe in respect and the nurturing of self-esteem in our children.

We believe in the dignity and value of all children.

We believe in stimulating all our children through a full, enriched program; giving them a solid head start in education.


Quality First

Quality First is a quality early learning initiative providing all licensed child care programs in Halton Region with the opportunity to participate in a developmental model for quality improvement.

Quality First Believes in:

  • Developing the professionalism of individuals involved in the care and education of young children
  • Improving the level of quality indicators in children’s programs
  • Collaborating with local colleges to promote the professionalism readiness of early childhood educators.

How does Quality First support licensed programs?

  • On-site observations by a Quality First Conslutant
  • Professional Development, workshops and activities
  • Self-reflection activities
  • Coaching and Consultation
  • Support from Consultants to reach established goals

At Building Blocks Montessori and Preschool, we strive for a standard of excellence that is above and beyond licensing requirements by participating in the Quality First initiative.